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Infinity-Box CM2SP2 v2.06 Released

Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 SP2 / SPD-UniSoc v2.06 - Android 10, FastRead, FastFlash
As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Core :
  • Changed : FlashCore Protocol updated
  • Changed : DiagCore Protocol updated
  • Changed : NAND protocol adaptation
  • Changed : Operations speed increased
Flasher :
  • Changed : Flash Engine updated
  • Changed : Handling for 64bit files optimized
  • Changed : Activated FastFlash V1 protocol *
  • Changed : Activated FastFlash V2 protocol *
!* FastFlash protocol allow increase flashing speed for big unsparsed images
!* FastFlash protocol reduce flashing time up to 4-6 times, depend on device configuration - 3-4 minutes against 20-25
!* FastFlash activated automatically, if can be performed
!* GOOD USB cable and GOOD USB port must be used - do not use USB HUBs !
  • Changed : Support for new PAC formats activated: v2.x.x line
Service :
  • Changed : Identify scheme : Read more accurate and complete info *
!* Include modern Android 9 and Android 10 devices
  • Changed : Precise FileSystem settings detection ( Type and Encryption algo )
  • Changed : Better security detection
  • Changed : Format FS / Reset settings updated
Firmware Reader :
  • Changed : Reading speed up to 30% faster ! *
!* Test feature, support modern UniSoc devices: SC7731E, SC9832E, SC9863
!* Test feature, only RS-featured loaders supported !
  • Changed : Android 10 support activated! *
!* Support latest Android 9 and modern Android 10 devices from now!
!* Allow read complete firmware image from Android 10 devices without loss any ota/vendor abilities
  • Changed : X64 devices/loaders native support activated for complete reading
  • Changed : SW now create Android-version depend images for better compatibility
  • Changed: SW now create correct FileSystems bundle according device settings *
!* Almost reducing "hang" case after flashing
  • Changed : Improved structure identification
  • Changed : Support more different types
  • Changed : Structure identification and NAND reader more stable now (complete E-series NAND adaptation is on the way)
Model DB :
  • Changed : New loaders included for various set of devices
  • Changed : New Generic loaders included and updated existing ones
Other :
  • Changed : Removed outdated options from platform tab, many options changed to atomatic mode
  • BugFix : Minor changes and fixes
Info :
  • Android 10 Enabled Devices : SC7731E, SC9832E, SC9863
  • FastFlash Enabled Devices : SC9832E, SC9863

Infinity-Box CM2SP2 v2.06
Infinity-Box CM2SP2 v2.06
Infinity-Box CM2SP2 v2.06
Infinity-Box CM2SP2 v2.06

Password for archive file  is: 12345678


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