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Sigma Key Help

First Steps
▶️ Quick start with Sigma
To get started with Sigma please follow these 2 easy steps: connect and activate.
1. Connect SigmaKey / SigmaBox to PC USB port
2. Perform first Card/Box update:
  • Download and install Sigma Software
  • Run Sigma Software
  • Go to "Sigma" bookmark
  • Press "Update S-Card firmware" and perform first update procedure.
After performing these steps you can use the software

▶️ Sigma Key/Box Activation/Update Procedure
  • Install Sigma Software
  • Install card reader drivers (also available at your local PC in the Program Files\GsmServer\SigmaKey updater\drivers\ folder)
  • Connect* Sigma Dongle / Box to PC
  • Launch Sigma software
  • Go to "Sigma" bookmark
  • Press "Update S-Card firmware" button and perform update procedure
  • Message "Processing..." informs that update procedure is in progress
  • After the operation is completed, Sigma will be updated and ready for work
* Sigma Dongle: in order to ensure correct installation and stable SigmaKey operation it is recommended to connect the dongle directly to the motherboard's USB port, avoiding USB HUB connection.
* Sigma Box: connect the box directly to the motherboard USB port, avoiding USB HUB connection using USB A to B cable (that is in the box package) .

▶️ Use Flash File Area
In order to download files from Boot-Loader v2.0 portal, you have to perform these few easy steps after SigmaKey registration:
  • Download and install Boot-Loader Download Manager
  • Connect Sigma dongle or box to PC (depending on the device you have)
  • Launch Boot-Loader Download Manager. When prompted, enter your Boot-Loader v2.0 login and password.
  • If download manager is already open, select Settings: Devices in the top menu
  • Download manager will scan connected devices and pop-up a dialog box
  • Follow Register link to register your device.
  • If device is already registered, click Next button
  • Go to My Account: Device Accounts section to check your device's status and download allowance
  • If you're allowed, you can follow to Sigma category and start downloading files


Reminder! Before servicing the phone, please make sure that:
  1. You use the latest version of Sigma software
  2. Battery charged more than 50%
  3. All the side programs, that may interfere with the phone, are closed
  4. Phone’s cable and device itself should not be disconnected or disturbed until the procedure is fully completed
  5. Phone's connection:
    • Via USB: connect phone to USB port placed on the backside of PC (motherboard's USB port)
      Do not connect or disconnect other USB cables into the PC during the actual work with the phone
    • Via COM: use recommended Prolific / FTDI drivers only
  6. Avoid using any kind of USB HUBs and long USB cables. Use the shortest-length USB cable available.
  7. Phone has stock (factory) firmware version
  8. SIM card is removed


Reminder! Before servicing the phone, please make sure that:
  1. You use the latest version of Sigma software
  2. Battery charged more than 50%
  3. All the side programs, that may interfere with the phone, are closed
  4. Phone’s cable and device itself should not be disconnected or disturbed until the procedure is fully completed
  5. Connect phone to USB port placed on the backside of PC (motherboard's USB port)
    Do not connect or disconnect other USB cables into the PC during the actual work with the phone
  6. Avoid using any kind of USB HUBs and long USB cables. Use the shortest-length USB cable available.
  7. Phone has stock (factory) firmware version
  8. SIM card is removed


Reminder! Before servicing the phone, please make sure that:
  1. You use the latest version of Sigma software
  2. Battery charged more than 50%
  3. All the side programs, that may interfere with the phone, are closed
  4. Phone’s cable and device itself should not be disconnected or disturbed until the procedure is fully completed
  5. Connect phone to USB port placed on the backside of PC (motherboard's USB port)
    Do not connect or disconnect other USB cables into the PC during the actual work with the phone
  6. Avoid using any kind of USB HUBs and long USB cables. Use the shortest-length USB cable available.
  7. Phone has stock (factory) firmware version
  8. SIM card is removed


Reminder! Before servicing the phone, please make sure that:
  1. You use the latest version of Sigma software
  2. Battery charged more than 50%
  3. All the side programs, that may interfere with the phone, are closed
  4. Phone’s cable and device itself should not be disconnected or disturbed until the procedure is fully completed
  5. Connect phone to USB port placed on the backside of PC (motherboard's USB port)
    Do not connect or disconnect other USB cables into the PC during the actual work with the phone
  6. Avoid using any kind of USB HUBs and long USB cables. Use the shortest-length USB cable available.
  7. Phone has stock (factory) firmware version
  8. SIM card is removed


Reminder! Before servicing the phone, please make sure that:
  1. You use the latest version of Sigma software
  2. Battery charged more than 50%
  3. All the side programs, that may interfere with the phone, are closed
  4. Phone’s cable and device itself should not be disconnected or disturbed until the procedure is fully completed
  5. Connect phone to USB port placed on the backside of PC (motherboard's USB port)
    Do not connect or disconnect other USB cables into the PC during the actual work with the phone
  6. Avoid using any kind of USB HUBs and long USB cables. Use the shortest-length USB cable available.
  7. Phone has stock (factory) firmware version
  8. SIM card is removed

ADB Mode

Reminder! Before servicing the phone, please make sure that:
  1. You use the latest version of Sigma software
  2. Battery charged more than 50%
  3. All the side programs, that may interfere with the phone, are closed
  4. Phone’s cable and device itself should not be disconnected or disturbed until the procedure is fully completed
  5. Connect phone to USB port placed on the backside of PC (motherboard's USB port)
    Do not connect or disconnect other USB cables into the PC during the actual work with the phone
  6. Avoid using any kind of USB HUBs and long USB cables. Use the shortest-length USB cable available.
  7. Phone has stock (factory) firmware version
  8. SIM card is removed

Sigma Key Help & Tutorials