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Sigma Key Support

Official website of the product: WWW.SIGMAKEY.COM

MTK Features - all available features supported for MTK platform are described here
Qualcomm Features - here are described all available features supported for Qualcomm platform
Broadcom Features - here are described all available features supported for Broadcom platform
TI-OMAP Features - here are described all available features supported for TI-OMAP platform
Updates - all news and updates are placed here

Software - here you can download latest version of SigmaKey software
Drivers - all drivers required to work with SigmaKey are here
Pinouts - most populated pinouts located here
Flash Files - support area of SigmaKey product. Get all of the wanted flash files here

MTK Manual - well described how to use MTK tab of the SigmaKey
Qualcomm Manual - how to use Qualcomm tab of the SigmaKey
Broadcom Manual - how to use Broadcom tab of the SigmaKey
TI-OMAP Manual - how to use TI tab of the SigmaKey